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 Ever wondered why is it so hard to convince someone to go ve

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Euthanasia brigade

Nombre de messages : 1
Date d'inscription : 18/03/2010

Ever wondered why is it so hard to convince someone to go ve Empty
MessageSujet: Ever wondered why is it so hard to convince someone to go ve   Ever wondered why is it so hard to convince someone to go ve Icon_minitimeJeu 18 Mar - 20:16

I don’t need to tell you how morally basic and nutritiously simple veganism is.
Could it be that the obstacle to veganism is the messengers? Not enough health food stores? The price of soy milk?
Not enough vegan celebrities? Not enough visual evidence about what is going on in factory farms?
You know it is not any of these…
The animal rights arguments are so simple and right. They are based on solid facts and evidences. Nobody can confront them rationally.
So why is it so hard to convince someone to go vegan?

The reason is that reason is not enough. Good arguments are not relevant. Exposing the facts doesn’t convince humans.
Rationality has proved itself as an insufficient element in order to change people’s habits.

In order to reach creative ideas and breakthroughs, we shouldn’t think of what has been done so far, or what we think is possible,
we must constantly think how to change reality into what we believe it should be.
Like in any other situation, only when we acknowledge the roots of the problem, will we be able to solve it.
Please take the time and check this solution: http://www.onlyonesolution.net

Each and every one of the currently 39 articles and 72 slideshows is an independent argument and also a part of the big puzzle
with one unequivocal conclusion.
In addition to the attempt to comprehensively cover as many topics as possible the articles format is slightly different than usual.
Each article is compound from audio, video, photo and of course text, in a semi interactive form.
So all in all, every animal rights activist will find interest in this website regardless of his current opinion on the general idea
and regardless of my belief that every serious activist should address every idea with a rational and open minded approach.
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